LED Linear Light - L8070 Linkable Bracket



The linkable brackets are used to connect L8070 series linear lights seamlessly.

L-shaped linear light has one side designated as "L side", and the other side designated as "K side". For straight 4ft, straight 8ft, 120° L-shape, T-shape and X-shape fixtures, both sides of each fixture are designated as "K side". Correspondingly, there are two types of bracket (K-L linkable bracket and K-K linkable bracket) used to connect the fixtures.

K-K linkable bracket is for a connection between two K sides. 

K-L linkable bracket is for a connection between a K side and a L side. The K-L linkable bracket will be needed ONLY if a connection between a L-shape linear light and another shape of linear light is required. 

Compatible product:

LED Linear Light Up and Down Continuous Run L8070