Why LED lights flicker?


LED lights are prevalent in today’s homes due to their energy-efficiency, versatility, safety and low maintenance etc. However, one common issue that makes homeowners frustrated is LED flickering. In this article, we will explore the reasons why LED lights flicker and what can be done to prevent or fix this problem.

  1. What is LED flickering?

LED flickering refers to the rapid and irregular change in brightness of an LED light source. It is important to address LED flickering as it can be a sign of a more serious problem and can lead to reduced energy efficiency, eye strain and headaches.

  1. What causes LED lights to flicker?

One of the main reasons why LED lights may flicker is due to a problem with a power supply (also refers to a driver or a transformer). LED lights operate on low voltage DC power, which means that they require a power supply that can provide a consistent and stable voltage. If the power supply is not working properly, it can cause the LED lights to flicker or blink. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a poor wiring, or a faulty or malfunctioning power supply. 

Another common cause of LED light flicker is a problem with the dimmer switch. Many LED lights are not compatible with traditional dimmer switches, and using one can cause the lights to flicker or strobe. This is because traditional dimmer switches work by reducing the amount of power going to the lights, which can cause problems with the power supply and driver. Also, a dimmer switch used for a LED light needs to be compatible with the LED power supply in terms of dimming methods. If you are experiencing flicker with your LED lights and you are using a dimmer switch, try switching to a dimmer specifically designed for LED lights and also compatible with the LED power supply.

Quality of the LED lights could be another reason for LED flickering. LED lights are made up of many small components, and if one of these components is not working properly, it can cause the LED lights to flicker. High quality LED lights provide more protection against flicker. In this case, it's best to invest in higher-quality lights to prevent flicker.

Temperature can also be a factor that causes LED lights to flicker. LED lights are sensitive to temperature, and they can be affected by extreme heat or cold. If the LED lights are exposed to temperatures that are too high or too low, it can cause the lights to flicker or fail altogether. To prevent this, ensure that your LED lights are installed in a well-ventilated area and away from sources of heat or cold.

Finally, physical damage to the lights can cause them to flicker. If the lights have been dropped and physically damaged, it can cause the internal components to malfunction, leading to flicker or other problems. In this case, the lights will need to be replaced.

  1. How to avoid LED flickering? 
  • Use a compatible LED power supply: Make sure the LED power supply you use is compatible with the LED lights you have installed. The output voltage of the LED power supply should match the operation voltage of the LED lights. An incompatible power supply can cause flickering and other issues.
  • Check for loose connections: Make sure all connections are tight and secure, loose connections can cause flickering.
  • Use a dimmer switch: If you are using a dimmer switch, make sure it is designed to work with LED lights and also compatible with the LED power supply. Not all dimmer switches are compatible with a specific LED light or a LED power supply, and using an incompatible switch can cause flickering.
  • Check for external interference: Make sure there is no external interference such as high-frequency electronic equipment, which can cause the LED lights to flicker.
  • Use quality LED lights: Make sure you use quality LED lights from a reputable manufacturer. Low-quality LED lights may flicker or fail more quickly than higher-quality options.
  • Maintain a proper operating temperature for LED lights.
  • Be cautious when handling LED lights to avoid any physical damage.

Overall, LED lights flicker can be caused by a variety of factors, including power supply issues, compatibility problems with dimmer switches, poor quality lights, temperature issues, and physical damages. By understanding the reasons why LED lights flicker, and taking the necessary steps to prevent or fix this problem, the LED lights will provide a consistent and stable lighting experience.

GL LED provides high quality LED lights with compatible power supplies and dimmers. Please visit our website for more information about our products, or please contact us with any questions on LED lights.

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