Hotel Lighting Design Tips That Even Experts Love

Hotel Lighting Design Tips That Even Experts Love


Light colors, like air, fill the space and touch people's skin and hearts, stirring up various emotions. Hotels need to highlight their unique character and create a special atmosphere. No matter what type of hotel, creating a warm, cozy, and friendly environment should be a common goal.

To get the perfect lighting and set the mood, different areas in the hotel need different lighting levels and styles based on their function.

1. Hotel Lobby Space

The lobby has three main lighting areas: the entrance and foyer, the reception desk, and the guest lounge. Treat the lobby as a continuous space and consider it in terms of lighting, the entrance and foyer should have general lighting, while the reception desk and guest lounge should have focused lighting. Keep the color temperature consistent across all areas. By adjusting the brightness in these three zones, the lobby can create a welcoming atmosphere with a dynamic play of light and shadow.

(1) Hotel Entrance and Foyer

Lighting Requirements: The lighting should be 500 lux at a height of 3.28feet.
Color Temperature: Around 3000K.If the color temperature is too low, the space will feel cramped. If it's too high, the space will lack warmth and feel noisy, making guests uncomfortable.
Color Rendering: Ra>85. High color rendering ensures that the skin tones and expressions of staff and guests are clearly visible, leaving a positive impression.
Light Distribution:

  • If the ceiling is over 20 feet high, use point light sources on the ceiling with narrow beam fixtures for continuous and even brightness.
  • For a 20 feet ceiling, the central light intensity should be at least 500 cd 1 meter above the ground.
  • If the ceiling height does not exceed 20 feet, consider strip or panel light sources.

Light and Shadow Contrast: Inspired by some hotel lighting designs, use spotlights at different angles in the entrance and foyer. Place side lights at the ends of the horizontal axis, angled towards the entrance. This highlights the forms of receptionists, bellhops, and guests, adding depth and a sophisticated feel to the lighting.

(2) Hotel Reception Desk

Lighting Requirements: The brightness should be 750-1000 lux to make the reception desk stand out. This helps guests find it quickly and allows for efficient check-in and billing.
Color Temperature: About 3000K, matching the hotel's entrance to maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Color Rendering: Ra>85. This ensures guests and staff look natural and healthy. It is easy to see and verify documents clearly.

(3) Guest Lounge Area

Lighting Requirements: Aim for 300-500 lux. Too much light can make people feel restless, while too little can make them feel sluggish.
Color Temperature: Around 3000K.
Color Rendering: Ra>85.

2. Hotel Restaurant Space

The restaurant is a key area for hotel lighting, often used for informal business banquets or social gatherings with close acquaintances. Therefore, the lighting atmosphere should be warm and inviting. The general lighting level is relatively low. Due to the informal nature of dining, specialized facial or expression lighting is not needed. However, focused lighting on the tables is necessary to make the dishes look appealing and easy to reach, so good color rendering is very important.

Lighting Requirements: General lighting should be 50-100 lux, and key lighting should be 100-150 lux. If there is side lighting, the center light intensity should be about 50 cd when the light beam reaches the object.
Color Temperature: Around 3000K with a consistent light color.
Color Rendering: Ra>90.

3. Hotel Guest Room Space

Hotel guest rooms should feel like home, with a calm, cozy, and inviting atmosphere.
Lighting Requirements: General lighting should be 50-100 lux to create a serene and restful environment. However, localized lighting, such as at the vanity mirror or for bedside reading, should be bright enough, around 300 lux. Desk lighting is often overlooked; providing a proper desk lamp (instead of a decorative one) is a very considerate touch.
Color Temperature: Around 3000K.Use light sources below 3500K in the bedroom for a warm tone, and above 3500K in the bathroom for a clean and refreshing feel.
Color Rendering: Ra>90. Good color rendering helps guests feel confident and comfortable.


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